Dear You:

It feels forced sometimes, doesn’t it? Because everyone is always asking?

It’s like your imperfections are on display and THEY want you to admit it, weep over it, and vow to obliterate it during the new year … because they have issues and relative resolutions and they just want company in their own mix of misery.

 Sound familiar?

The possibilities are palpable, though, because humans are humans, and that’s why the options are endless so folks can live a much healthier life than what they experience now. They could lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, get sober, get better with their finances, choose a new hobby, visit family more often, get more sleep, read more, and quit procrastinating.

They can pledge to buy life insurance and to make meals easier and to relax more and to volunteer often or anything else connected to self-improvement.

But …. how about … it’d be cool if … here’s an idea:

What if cooperation and collaboration replace permanent disagreement and wicked degradation? It just seems as if the “attack mode” behavior popular in national politics has seeped into personal interaction V, and social media is the monster that makes it all real within the community.

And, as we’ve seen on all levels of everything over the past few years, the product is an uncaring conduct that swiftly splits the rowers of the boat. So, we all go nowhere.

Let’s take a trip instead.



(Art by Bob Dombrowski)