An OPEN LETTER to … Those Who Have Supported My Recovery …

An image of a heart beat.
"You have to quit this and you have to do that" ... instructions that can be frightening without the support of others.

Dear You-Know-Who-You-Are:

I was scared. They put a 24-hour defibrillator vest on me. Gave me bottles of pills, packets of Mrs. Dash, and an appointment with a “heart failure specialist” because, that’s right, I was on death’s doorstep.

So, life had to change. Choices had to be made. Promises needed kept. And there’s been needles and x-rays and EKGs and echocardiograms ever since, and the results have been OK. Until, that is, earlier this week.


Anyone who truly knows me knows that’s not an adjective that usually follows me around much, but that’s the term they called me and my ticker. Finally, my heart, only days from death in April 2022, has returned to what a healthy human male should have in his chest.

Applause, though, is not what I seek.

Instead, I just want to thank you for your prayers and well wishes and to let you know how much I appreciate the kindness and compassion you’ve offered me. And folks, now that I have felt the support from not only my family and friends but also from this community, I can tell you the strength that encouragement grants made an altering impact on me as I’m sure it has others who’ve been hugged the same way.

It’s powerful. It’s awakening. It resuscitates.

Thank you. So very much.


Steve Novotney

P.S. You can do it, too.