An OPEN LETTER to … U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin …


During a recent vacation to the shores of South Carolina, we encountered a lot of different folks at the stores, the restaurants, on the beach, and once they knew we were from West Virginia, they had a few questions for us.

“You like that Joe Manchin?”

“What do you think of that Manchin character?”

“You gonna vote for that Manchin feller?”

See, Senator, these South Carolina residents are Tim Scott’s and Lindsey Graham’s people because they are conservative Republicans. They don’t like Democrats, and you, sir, proved yourself one (instead of one of those Republicrats). You, sir, are no longer politically purple to members of the Republican Party. 

Now, the residents next door to our house? The people from Pittsburgh? They, too, wanted to know a few things.

“Does anyone in your state trust that Joe Manchin?”

“Where did you get that Manchin guy?”

“Are you going to vote for Manchin next time?”

Senator, you had a lot of fans in both parties until you voted in favor of “Build Back Better.” Sure, it was a smaller version than what was introduced, but it raised taxes on all the wrong people. Political pundits in your home state have predicted you’ll be targeted if you choose to run once again in 2024. Most, though, don’t believe you will.

Instead, they think you sold your soul and made a deal. The details of this alleged pact remain unclear, at this time anyway, but whether or not you live in West Virginia doesn’t seem to matter. When it comes to you and your politics, there are trust issues on both sides of the aisle.

You did that, not us.


Moderate America

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