An OPEN LETTER to … W.Va. Gov. Jim Justice …
By golly, Jim, you stepped right in it this time, now didn’t ya? And your comments to the media Monday afternoon threw out more dung in your path.
A “political hit”? Not in this day and age, governor.
A “slip-up”? Again, not in this day and age.
It was understandable when you said, “I’m not going to apologize to you for employing 1,500 there …,” but should you apologize to the employees who were assigned the maskless party for placing them in danger?
And you “don’t run the resort.” Really? Oh, your daughter Jill does. We’ve heard that, but see, governor, you have been in the position for four years now and if think we believe you’re not a micro-managing son of a gun with your Greenbrier, state government, your coal companies, and whatever else all those LLCs might be, it’s possible you’re nuttier than a Snickers candy bar.
We know that about you, Big Jim, and that’s OK. Do we believe you knew about the unsafe environment during the party in question? No. Did you know about the booking? Yes. Do you know if your daughter was there? By now, in every way, shape, form, and fashion, we believe you do. So, what happened to following the @*&$^%# guidelines?
The real question is now, though, is what you do about it and say about it next?
People Pulling the Rope