Was it Democratic leadership or journalist Phil Kabler? Who peed in your Cocoa Puffs?
We ask, sir, because you have sunk to new lows with your name-calling of those who disagree with you and are, as a result, critical. Sure, it was sort of funny when you referred to a local lawmaker as a puppy and yourself as a grizzly bear who was going to eat the canine, but you have gone personal and vengeful, and that’s not how public figures are supposed to react.
Now, we disagreed with the Democrats’ idea of suspending the gas tax for a month because those dollars are all we got to repair our roads. But why did you feel the need to punch below the belt with the “bush-league grandstanding” comment? Just a reminder, you were a Democrat until you turned on all those supporters to get a hug from former President Donald Trump.
And this beef you have with Kabler is a plus for him and embarrassing for you because you appear as pathetic as any politician ever has.
And let’s get this straight – you wish his train was hijacked during a recent trip and that the retired reporter was “kept” there forever? Governor, victims of kidnappings are “kept,” so it’s obvious you didn’t think through your words very well (no surprise), but you’ve also threatened to get him fired?
What are you thinking? On every occasion you mutter his name, Phil Kabler, you allow new readers to discover his talents and your childishness. Instead, listen to the staff members who have advised you to abandon the bullying. If such a staffer does not exist, fire them all and start over.
Since you cannot be elected as governor for a third consecutive term (you knew that, right?), your final two years and your gubernatorial legacy depend on it.
Grow up, Governor.
Concerned Conservatives of West Virginia
P.S. We dislike your idea to donate $5 million of surplus cash to Ukraine to construct a new maternity hospital because we believe the funds could be better directed here at home. In other words, fix the freakin’ roads and start in the Northern Panhandle.