An OPEN LETTER to … W.Va. Tourism Commissioner Chelsea A. Ruby

Dear Ms. Ruby:

Congratulations on your office being elevated by Gov. Jim Justice when he signed a bill that promoted you to a Cabinet position. It is our hope the state’s tourism industry prospers during your tenure, but there are issues right now that need your attention.

Remember approving this?

We here in Wheeling are always appreciative of any kind of recognition that acknowledges our city as a part of the state of West Virginia because, quite frankly, the people of the Panhandle usually feel excluded from your conversations even though we possess attractions like two of the state’s four racetracks, Oglebay, Grand Vue Park, and the Palace of Gold.

But then we see this, and, honestly, it’s flabbergasting.

Eastern Panhandle? Ms. Ruby, that’s where Martinsburg, Shepherdtown, and Harper’s Ferry are located, NOT Moundsville, Wheeling, and Weirton. Wheeling is one hour away from Pittsburgh (in Pennsylvania), not Washington, D.C. Perhaps those factoids will help in the future.

But then it sinks in. Not only was Wheeling placed into the wrong Panhandle, but also referred to as being in “the south.” We understand the “South’s Best Awards” were published by the magazine, “Southern Living,” but did you happen to tell those folks about the Mason-Dixon Line and what it designates?

So, yes, we residents of the NORTHERN PANHANDLE have returned to feeling relatively forgotten when it comes to your office and state government overall, and that’s NOT our fault. Wanna know why?

We’re the middle finger of the state that’s forever prepared to deliver a particular message to those who disrespect us Mountaineers, but it hurts even worse when it comes from within.


The “Flipping Off” People

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