Dear Fellow Financers:

Yup, we were forgotten. Again. All we do is supply the pile of cash they get to spend, but, again, seems we were taken for granted. Again.

Perhaps not by all, but it’s obvious by the omission that those who finalized what was to appear on the plaque did. And it’s a nice plaque, too, huh? But guess what?

A photo of a plaque.
The City of Wheeling released this photo of the plaque crediting individuals who played a part in the police headquarters project.

Yeah, we paid for that, too.

So, we asked local artist Bob Dombrowski to use his artistic magic to draw up something (look above) for the decision makers just in case they would like to right the wrong with the new police headquarters, and if they were to choose to be appropriately inclusive when the new fire headquarters is completed in East Wheeling.

And who knows, maybe even we taxpayers will be acknowledged for enduring the delays associated with the way-overdue streetscape project, and for financing the beautification, as well. Again, it would be appropriate, so fingers crossed.


The People Really in Charge