Dear Development Representatives:

Save us your dreamy visions and sappy stories when you arrive, and please just explain. Educate us from the very beginning about your plan, the timeframe for your plan, how much money you have to execute your plan, and what your plan will accomplish. 

Sounds awfully nosey, we’re aware, and listen, it’s not your fault, but we – collectively – have been serially scorned when it’s come to reinvention, and some are very bitter about it. The unpaid people. Investment people. Government people. And the disappointed folks, too.

So, you see, we won’t do that again. Nope, not blindly anyway. Not unless we’re confident in you, your vision, and your project, and that’s because we’re aware there’s opportunity here to make a lot of money. A lot.

So, go ahead, make promises while releasing revealing renderings of the next new future and tell us how great it will be, but please understand that you’ll find us over here waiting to see real results.

Again, not your fault, but that’s where we are.


The “Warning Wagon”