Disgusting. All of it. All of you. Senators? Representatives?

Really? Now? NOW?!

We’ve seen no respect for the people. Instead, we see the usual, and it’s an election year, people. Sure, you passed a $2.2 trillion package when you should have passed a pork-free, clean bill for the people because you know that impact already. Then, when corporate America beckons for bailouts, pass a clean bill for your beloved private sector.

But, no, some omnibus pile of poop after a week of sitting on the pot.

The back of the U.S. Capitol.
Our country’s senators and representatives often arrive and depart in this area of the U.S. Capitol.

Yeah, yeah. Silly us. Wake up! We know! Sure, but save the cheek slap, OK, because dreaming impossible dreams just seems like something new to do in this stir-crazy, coronavirus consciousness. What’s really so sad, men and women, is that you all already knew these things, but the games and party power play prevailed as priorities. And seriously, how y’all sleep in peace is beyond comprehension.

Dumbass decisions by former congressional members forced the people of the Upper Ohio Valley to depend on the service industry instead of manufacturing, and guess what, for the most part, are closed now? Servers, cooks, retail cashiers, display workers, shop keepers, drivers in the trucking industry, all associated management teams, and so many small business owners who, because of your collective crap, can’t tell left from right.

Minds are spinning. Dreams are shattering. “How?” is one question. “If?” is the next. It gets dangerous when, “Why?” follows, and that could happen because all of the uncertainty and tension and financial concern that is locked up in our homes.

That’s reality, and you boneheads are to blame by bickering so long over pet projects while dozens anxiously wait for their testing results. So, senator-what’s-your-face and representative-whoever, do you think you’ve earned our vote?


We The People

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