An OPEN LETTER to … YOU! … The Candidate Full of Campaign Promises and Nothing Else …

A sketch.
We may divided but we know which side we are on.

Dear Candidates and Incumbents:

Remember now, the mic is always hot, and when it’s not, we’re reading your lips. And when we can’t do that, we’ll wait for someone to blab your business. Because that’s what we do now. We blab.

Sometimes it matters. Sometimes it doesn’t. Depends on who it offends.

But we voters know what we want. At least we think we know what we want. We definitely know which side we’re on. We are, after all, conspicuously divided, and it’s our side or no side. Doesn’t matter.

But don’t lie to us. Don’t dare be that “tell ‘em what they want to hear” candidate. We easily recognize that kind of candidate these days so, don’t even bother wasting our time. If you do, you’ll end up drinking the wine made from the grapes YOU grow, and that can only go one of two ways.

But you know that already.


The American Voter

p.s. If you’re in a local race, please don’t mimic a national style, and if you are in a federal race, don’t act like you’re too big-a-deal to get local.