It’s a staple. The 19th Hole is in Wheeling, so it’s never going away, right?

Well? It’s … never … going … away … right?

Never is a long time, obviously, and owner Angie Szalay is just praying for normalcy. It’s about that bell curve and flattening and social distancing and sanitizing after touching a person, a dollar, and anything else –- and Lord forbid it’s her own face!

Szalay bartended at “The Hole” for more than 10 years before purchasing the business in December 2012 following the sudden passing of founder Alan Kage. Since then, the man’s ashes hang on the east wall, the chicken wings remain a major attraction, and Tim Ullom still performs … but only as his family life now allows.

There’s been a difference, though, the past seven-plus years. Sure, there’s the Bloody Mary Bar and Brunch on Sundays now, and also new menu items, too, but that’s not it.

The newer and bigger TVs? Naw.

The improved sound system? Nope.

OK, so it has to be the new front façade then, right?

Not even close.

It’s that family feel; that’s what it is.

A photo of three ladies.
Of course, the photo was taken before social distancing guidelines were ordered by W.Va. Gov. Jim Justice.

How’s business been since the beginning of the pandemic?

Business has been surprisingly very good! The outpouring of support is heartwarming, and I’m so thankful. One of my employees (Sheila) remarked how grateful the customers have been that we are offering carryout … which blows my mind! Myself and my employees are the grateful ones.

What menu items have been the most popular thus far? Most popular flavor for wings?

Our most popular items have been the 19th Hole staple “Wings & Cheesy Fries” as well as our Oven Baked Hoagies. Especially our newest addition, the homemade spicy Meatball Hoagie. Blackened Medium, Ranch & Honey BBQ remain the most popular wing flavors. But the monthly feature flavor may be one that sticks around Jalapeño Parmesan (dry rub).

What have the biggest issues been for you as a business owner?

The biggest issue being a business owner during this has been trying to wrap my head around every single aspect … everyone’s best interests, and my best interest both personal and professional. I want to protect and help everyone, and that has weighed on my heart and mind throughout this process.

Why did you make the decision to remain open and offer takeout instead of closing like some other restaurant owners have decided to do?

When restaurants and bars had to close but still do carryout/delivery, I just knew I had to try. I knew my staff members were counting on me, so as long as we could hit a daily sales total, I felt comfortable, and it made sense to continue. Every day requires each of us to adapt to this new normal, but I just can’t wait to get back to my old normal.

A bar owner in her empty bar.
Angie Szalay purchased the 19th Hole in December 2012 following the passing of Alan Kage.

What have you missed the most since being reduced to only takeout service?

When I think about what I miss the most, it honestly brings me to tears. The loyal customers over the years who have become our friends, and then they feel like family to us. I miss that amazing 19th Hole family! And I sure miss all the hugs and kisses too.