If there was a contest that measured who knows the most about Marshall County, Betsy Frohnapfel would be a contender for sure and maybe even the champ of all time.

She’d have to defeat Commissioner John Gruzinskas, probably, since he’s been a trooper, sheriff, and a member of the Commission since 201, and there’s likely more historians who would be in the running, too. But if the quiz questions centered on the industrial growth in Marshall County over the past quarter-century, forfeit now to save time.

Frohnapfel has served as the administrator of the Commission for the past 26 years so she’s had a front-row seat to the county’s growth in coal, and gas, and oil industries. According to state severance tax records, Marshall County is first and second in oil and gas production, respectively, and is ranked first in coal production, as well.

She’s also endured growing pains like the sudden arrival of water trucks, drilling rigs, pipeliners, the road slips, traffic issues, and complaints, too. It’s Frohnapfel who has had to answer the tough questions like, “What in the world is with all these new people everywhere?”

The county administrator could offer any of these replies:

  • The public schools are getting more money for education.
  • The sheriff’s department is purchasing new equipment to increase our safety.
  • The health department soon will be operating in a brand-new building.
  • The Marshall County Courthouse received a long overdue and needed facelift.
  • The county’s tax base is healthier than ever and the financial future is extremely bright.

But instead, just maybe, Frohnapfel chooses the one-word answer.


A group of people.
One of the gems of Marshall County is Grand Vue Park, a facility that updated its swimming facilities this past summer.

What is the one gem of Marshall County you believe gets unfairly ignored?

Grand Vue Park! 

The team that Craig White has assembled up there is second to none. GVP has grown exponentially in the past 10-15 years: new cabins, renovations to old cabins, an arial adventure park, an RV Park and the latest a new state-of-the-art pool. They truly have something for everyone. They also offer lots of things to do that don’t that cost anything: walking trails, bike trails, disk golf, a butterfly garden, to name a few. 

My family has rented one of the cabins for Thanksgiving for many years.  It is a great place to get together and celebrate the holiday – especially the hot tub.

If the Interstate 68 project were to happen, do you believe Marchall County residents would benefit? If so, how? If not, why not?

I think the implementation of I-68 would be huge for all aspects of Marshall County. It would probably cut the time it takes to get to Morgantown in half, but bigger than that, it would open up a lot of areas that are just not optimal for business or industry to locate. 

More business and industry lead to more tax base. This is always beneficial to local governments, including the school board. I also think I-68 would open up areas for more housing developments.  Housing is something we are desperately in need of. We are in the beginning stages of bringing developers to our area, but all of them want one thing …  six or seven minutes from a major highway.

Which WVU head football coach is your all-time favorite, and why?

I’d have to say Don Nehlen. I have lots of great memories from my childhood that stem around WVU football.  We were and still are a very big WVU Football family.  Even after all these years, when I think of WVU football, I think of Nehlen first.

Have you ever stopped everything you’re doing as the county administrator to realize how much industry you are surrounded by in Marshall County?

Actually, yes, and quite often. 

It is the industrial tax base that gives the commissioners the opportunity to make annual and substantial contributions to many organizations, including the animal shelter, volunteer fire and EMS departments, senior center, Grand Vue Park, health department, library, and Wheeling Health Right, just to name a few.  It is that same tax base that enables the commissioners to contribute funds to our public service districts and sewerage district. 

Their contributions can go towards water/sewer line extensions, and help in upgrading technology or purchasing new equipment.

A man and a woman.
Betsy and her husband, Jason, are both sports enthusiasts and that’s why they travel often to Morgantown.

Who’s the best cook in your house – you, one of your children, or your husband?

HA!  It would have to be me, because most of the time when it is Jason’s night to cook, we end up going out to eat somewhere.