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Braden’s Race to IT

Travis Braden is a racecar driver who travels the country and turns left a lot to earn a living, and that is because he possesses an...

Cuts Coming in West Virginia

He expects election-year “lightning bolt” proposals during the upcoming regular session in Charleston, but W.Va. Sen. Bill Ihlenfeld also believes much of his attention will focus...

Scams and Your Folks

Older adults lose an estimated $2.9 billion (yes – with a “B”) annually from financial exploitation according to the Senate Special Committee on Aging.  Perhaps your...

Understanding Struggles

My youngest came running down the street a few weeks ago, crying. Something had taken place where she and friends had been playing, and...

Nightmare on ‘Main Street’

Some, but not many, in Ohio County can recall when THE road went through the city of Wheeling more than 60 years ago, but the...

This Is LEDE News

LEDE News is about the people of the region and the issues that mean the most to those who have chosen to make this area home.