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An OPEN LETTER to … West Virginia Leaders

If both of you, on Martin Luther King Day, would have pledged your personal support for the proposed Fairness Act and explained why, especially at this time, it is most important for our state to finally do away with permitted discrimination.

Wide Awake and Dreaming

I was organizing years before I even knew it was a thing. I mean, who doesn't want to fix something that is affecting their life, right? And I've always been that person whom strangers share their business with in the checkout line; it's a gift I've inherited from my mom.

Childcare Crisis – Part Two

Ask childcare directors what their wish would be if they were promised one change and, if you're talking to any of the ones I've talked to, they're going to tell you DHHR reimbursement for Title 20 subsidies.

Protect the People

Ohio County Sheriff Tom Howard has tried to instigate the erection of a temporary Manchester Bridge on many occasions, and that’s because he believes...

An OPEN LETTER To … The Drug Dealer

In our valley, hundreds of our friends and family members have passed away, and in Ohio and West Virginia, thousands. We’ve all been touch by tragedies and that’s because you migrate here so you can sell your highly addictive drugs at increased prices in a non-violent atmosphere compared to your hometowns all the while knowing some of the poison you peddle is tainted with a killer dust called Fentanyl.

Trash Talking Your Bias

One of the hardest parts of my job is working against stereotypes.The words "poor" and "poverty" often evoke images of lazy people who don't do enough to change their situation. It's hard for folks who have never struggled with money to imagine a life without it. I have found that it's damn near impossible for folks to get it.

An OPEN LETTER To … Wheeling HOF

Why the heck has George Kellas not been selected for his proper enshrining into the Wheeling Hall of Fame?

Breads to Meds: Food in Healthcare Reform

There are few things all people can agree upon nowadays, but one universal truth is that medications cost too much – but why?  As we...

Mashed Potatoes (and Bad Policy)

Picture a high school cafeteria where the meal options are separated by lines and a student is only permitted to eat from one line, although the parents in some of our counties are paying for their kids' meals.