Block title

WVNCC Announces Hires, Promotions

Teh community college is preparing to open on Aug. 24.

The Agenda – OCS Board Meeting

Here's what is on tap for this evening.

Wheeling High Schools Come Together for Social Justice

It's a must-have conversation for all involved.

Local Officials Worry about Debris Along Creeks

Flooding has caused major damage and death in the Upper Ohio Valley.

St. C. Service Director Position Still Unfilled

St. Clairsville City Council is still unable to pull the trigger on the hiring of a new service director as council seems at a near deadlock over the decision, with compensation, benefits and candidate's availability serving as a sticking point for some councilmembers.

Wheeling Council to Vote on 19th Street Property for $150,000

Members of Wheeling's City Council will vote this coming Tuesday to authorize City Manager Bob Herron to purchase nearly three acres in East Wheeling...

HVAC Upgrades in OCS Deter COVID-19

Ohio County Schools officials were excited to learn that recent upgrades at several schools are effective in protecting from COVID-19, and those same improvements...

Dilles Destined for Gas Plant?

PTT Global is not the first to suggest a gas plant should be along the Ohio River.

A Tale of Two Responses

Martins Ferry and St. Clairsville both have dealt with responding to incidents of disparaging social media posts recently. The results are vastly different.