Trinity Health System Ad 1
Trinity Health System Ad

Chili Cookoff Contributes Funds to the United Way


Panhandle AD 3
Dutton Cattle Company Ad

City of Wheeling officials and members of the Wheeling Feeling Chili Cookoff Committee presented a $10,483 check to the United Way of the Upper Ohio Valley today. The check represents the proceeds from the Chili Cookoff held earlier this month at Heritage Port.

Panhandle Ad


Paden City Man Sentenced to 12.5 Years for Intent to Distribute Meth

The sentence information was released this morning.

Murder Suspect Griffin Facing These Charges Today at Afternoon Arraignment

Prosecutor Kevin Flanagan released the public information this morning.

Double Murder Defendant Andrew Griffin Extradited to Belmont County

The hearing was moved up from March 24th.

Roadway to Moundsville DMV Restricted Through Tomorrow

Crews will be directing traffic in this area through tomorrow.
WV Catholic Schools, Enroll today.
Brooke County Schools
Trinity Health System Ad