Officials from the Circus Saints and Sinners and major sponsors presented a ceremonial check of $21,000 to the YMCA of Wheeling recently. The funds were generated from the club’s 24th annual Charity Golf Scramble presented by Yourkovich and Associates and are designated to benefit the third phase of the Y’s $7 million Capital Campaign to expand and improve the interior and exterior of the facility in Elm Grove.
Yourkovich and Associates owner Jeff Yourkovich made a matching donation of $10,000 to support the golf event, saying he was motivated to do so because of the YMCA’s importance to the social fabric of the community.
“As a YMCA board member, and a participant in Y programs and services since I was eight years old, I know firsthand how vital the YMCA is to our valley and particularly to our youth,” Yourkovich said. “A vibrant and thriving YMCA helps build strong kids, families and communities. It is my hope that other organizations and individuals will recognize its immense value and contribute generously to the campaign.”
This past Monday, the YMCA broke ground on the expansion project which will include remodeling the 50-year-old facility’s lobby and entrance, improve locker rooms and childcare facilities, and expand fitness spaces.