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City of Wheeling Reminding Residents to Trick or Treat Safely


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With ghosts and goblins about to take to the City’s neighborhoods for Trick or Treat – 6:30-7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31, city officials want to remind residents to proceed with the activity in a safe manner.

City Manager Robert Herron said while Trick or Treat is fun for area children and residents alike, it is important that the activity proceed in the safest way possible. In addition to general precautions that must be taken, this year COVID-19 must also be taken into consideration.

COVID-19 still exists and the health and well-being of our residents who will be distributing candy as well as the children who will be going door-to-door is of utmost importance. Therefore, we are asking Wheeling residents to pay close attention to and adhere to  the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department’s guidelines,” he said.

Those guidelines are as follows:

  • Ohio County will need to be in green or yellow status according to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources County Alert System COVID map for Trick or Treat to occur.
  • Masks (COVID face coverings) must be worn by all participants at all times.
  • Social distancing MUST be maintained.
  • Trick or Treat should be limited to residing community.

As they do every year, Wheeling police officers will be out patrolling on Halloween in vehicles and bicycles throughout all neighborhoods. Police recommend those Trick or Treating take the following precautions:

  • Visit only the homes that have porchlights turned on.
  • Wear highly visible clothing.
  • Walk on sidewalks and not in the roadway.
  • Be cognizant of traffic when crossing the street.
  • Take a flashlight to allow for better visibility.

“Please note that we all are aware of the pandemic and the uniqueness of just about everything since mid-March. If you normally enjoy this festive community-wide event, but are uncomfortable participating this year, please know that everyone will understand if you decide not to participate,” Herron said. “For those who do participate, let’s make this a safe and fun evening for the kids, paying special attention to COVID conditions, with careful and maybe new, inventive ways to experience Trick or Treat.”

With changing pandemic conditions, Trick or Treat is subject to change. Residents can visit the City’s website at or Facebook page at for the most up-to-date information.

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