Trick or Treat in the City of Wheeling will be held from 6:30-7:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 31, but will be subject to guidelines handed down by the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department and possibly some guidance from the office of West Virginia Governor Jim Justice.
City Manager Robert Herron said while Trick or Treat is a popular activity for area children and residents alike, it is important that the activity proceed in the safest way possible.
“The threat of COVID-19 still exists and we don’t want to take any unnecessary chances with the health and well-being of our residents who will be handing out candy or the children who will be going door-to-door. Therefore, we will be paying close attention to the guidelines from the health department and perhaps the governor’s office and asking Wheeling residents to do the same.”
Herron noted that the situation with COVID-19 is fluid and Trick or Treat is subject to change. The public should visit the City’s website at wheelingwv.gov and social media pages often for the most up-to-date information.
At this time, the following guidelines have been provided by the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department:
- Ohio County will need to be in green or yellow status according to the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources County Alert System COVID map for Trick or Treat to occur.
- Masks (COVID face coverings) must be worn by all participants at all times.
- Social distancing MUST be maintained.
- Trick or Treat should be limited to residing community.
The health department also noted that statewide guidance or governor’s order should be anticipated as we get closer to Halloween. As such, unfortunately with changing pandemic conditions, this event is subject to change.
Herron added, “I’m 99.9 percent sure that everyone knows of the pandemic and its impact on our daily lives. Please utilize these guidelines and, if possible, think of creative ways to enhance safety and hopefully add to the fun for the kids. We all can benefit from a safe, healthy and enjoyable community event. In light of all the negative, let’s pull together for this annual highlight family event.”