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Clinic for 80-Plus Residents Set for Wednesday


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The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department will hold an 80 years old and older COVID-19 clinic on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 from 9:00am to 3:00pm. 

The clinic will be held at the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department (City/County Building, 1500 Chapline Street, Wheeling) and will be by appointment.  For an appointment call (304) 234-3682 starting Monday, January 4, 2020. 

The health department was allotted 100 doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to be administered on a first come, first served basis.  Part of this supply will be used to vaccine several 80 years old or older residents of two Ohio County facilities on Monday, January 4, 2020 that were not part of the initial long-term care/assisted living facility vaccinations.  The remaining vaccine will then be available to Ohio County residents who are 80 years old or older.

Please bring a photo ID, including proof of age and residency (WV Driver’s License).  To help maintain social distancing, please come to your appointment at the time scheduled, you do not need to arrive early.  When more vaccine arrives, or additional groups are identified for vaccination the department will provide more notification.

Questions call the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department at (304) 234-368.

There will be limited supplies of COVID-19 vaccine at first, so the vaccine will be distributed in phases based on risk.  Supply of COVID-19 vaccine will increase over time.

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