I also can remind you that only about half of the age-eligible American register to vote, and that only about half of those citizens end up going to the polls.

Or there’s the fact that mid-terms – including this Primary Tuesday – attract far fewer voters to the polls because there is not the presidency that is at stake.

I’m just not sure which of those factual points will get you fired up enough to change your plans, to ask your boss for the time, or to check what polling location is the correct one for you these days. They have changed for some, and that may be a good enough excuse for you to conveniently forget because, well, life anymore is just so darn busy.

I can remind you it is your most sacred right as an American, one men and women have defended over and over, and one that millions have died protecting.

There are, though, several important races on the ballot here in the Northern Panhandle, including THE RACE for our federal representative in the U.S. House. It involves two sitting congressmen in David McKinley and Alex Mooney, and while there are Democrats running for the November ballot, tomorrow the decision will be made.

Voters in each county in the Northern Panhandle also will elect members of the local Boards of Education, people who prove to be the policy makers for public education in an era where local control is at issue. Some in the state, it seems, believe they should make all of the rules for public education so it is imperative, in my opinion, to elect strong individuals who will stare back and tell those folks to step back.

Also on tomorrow’s ballot are individuals who wish to be members of the Republican and Democrat Executive Committees in each county. While most folks do not understand the function of such committees, just know this – when an elected official must leave their seat for whatever reason, it is the names on these committees that are studied by those who are in charge of appointing replacements for the remainder of the involved term.

Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal.

So, if you are on the ledge, please go. If you are leaning against, consider reconsidering. If you are a McKinley fan, realize he’s in big trouble.

And if it seems like too much of a pain in the rear end, hum the National Anthem.