You don’t want to hear it, especially from someone like Independent me, a person who wants to elect good people with good ideas to important offices on all levels instead of placating party power.

For most folks, though, only reinforcement from a roomful of like-minded people is what will not spark ugliness. That’s where we are politically right now, and it seems on all levels we’ve divided ourselves, and we’ve made it personal. Let’s face it. President Trump has made it normal to adopt bully tactics while utilizing negative nicknames for those who oppose him, so hey, why not, right?

The worst news of all is that the mindset has spread from the nation’s capital to state and local levels.  

In Wheeling, we could discuss the damage done by the adopted three-story mandate and the need for a Manchester Bridge, but those who support those decision makers will blindly overlook the negative impact to development potential and to safety for citizens living west of the city’s only operational hospital.

When organized labor has been a state-level topic, the national call-out for more recruits by the trades immediately was discounted with comments like, “Anyone can build a wall or run electrical lines.” And wouldn’t we like to watch the governor attempt to do so while calling an opposing lawmaker a puppy

On the federal level? A free-for-all. It’s been about impeachment instead of infrastructure; about scandal instead of security; quid pro quo instead of the people.  

Divided, disgusted, exhausted, and it’s what we are leaving for our children.

(WARNING: It’s at this point in this commentary where some readers will believe this writing is just another, “Blah, blah, blah, blah” experience because of bias. So, maybe, if you’re already blahhing, you should read ()()()()()()()()()()().)

So, I’ll make brief.

Talk. Discuss. Debate. Listen. Refute. Agree. Educate. Learn. Understand. Realize. Economy. Home. Children. Taxes. Property Value. Jobs. Development. Restrictions. Regulations. Retention. Census. Valley. Tradition. Grandkids.


Glass. Toys. Steel. Gas. Oil. Ethane. Pipelines. Cracker. Ancillary. Plastic. A future. Again. Finally.
