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COVID-19 Update – Marshall County


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Marshall County Health Department received confirmation of 2 new positive COVID-19 cases Sunday in Marshall County.  The first is a male in his 20’s who is presenting with mild symptoms.  The second is a female in her 90’s who is asymptomatic.     

Marshall County Health Department staff will be checking in with them daily for symptoms and temperatures. 

This brings Marshall County to a total of 203 confirmed cases and 7 probable cases, 25 of which are in isolation at home, 2 hospitalized, 1 associated death and 182 whom have been released from isolation.

For any additional information regarding Marshall County Schools, please refer to the information which they have provided to local press.

We continue to recommend to people to maintain social distancing and wearing of a facial covering in public when social distancing can’t be maintained.

For more information contact the Marshall County Health Department at 304-845-7840 or visit our Facebook page at Marshall County Health Department – WV.

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