As of 2:30 p.m., Aug. 25, the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department reports that not all lab results are back for the free COVID-19 Clinics held at West Liberty University recently. Results should be complete soon.

At this point, there remains only three positive cases and these individuals continue to be asymptomatic. These three positive cases come out of isolation on Aug. 26, according to Howard Gamble, Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department administrator. Contact tracing is being handled by the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department.

Additionally, the Health Department has scheduled a make-up clinic for students and staff who missed the initial clinics. This free Make-Up Clinic is scheduled to take place from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 9 in the Academic, Sports and Recreation Complex (ASRC).

More information will be shared on this clinic with the staff, faculty and students, via email.  

Campus cleaning and sanitation is in place to disinfect areas where the positive testing individuals have been. According to health officials, the best prevention of COVID-19 spread is wearing facemasks, social distancing and good hand washing and we encourage you to remain vigilant in these habits.

WLU will continue to update campus and the public as the results come in. For complete information on WLU’s response to the pandemic, please visit