(Publisher’s Note: She’s a transplant but no one cares about that stuff anymore. Instead, it’s about now, today, and tomorrow, too, and this young lady had all that covered yesterday. Crin loves to laugh, and she adores when people do well. She’s good people, and she surrounds herself with others under the exact classification.)

Spitfire. Firecracker. Spark plug. Dynamo. Feisty. A real go-get-er.

She’s heard them all, been called them all, and fake-smiled to them all, and she believes “them all” is nothing but a bunch of unnecessary mumbo-jumbo created by people who don’t know how to handle so much energy, intellect, and fortitude when Crin Joy is involved with whatever topic may be on the table.

Crin was raised in Canonsburg/Pittsburgh areas, and she discovered Wheeling while studying psychology at the former Wheeling Jesuit University. Since, she’s worked full-time gigs that have allowed her to adopt side hustles connected to comedy and live music and anything else that provoke smiles, and now she’s joined other like-minded individuals on both public and private levels.

Exit Zero Entertainment is an event planning business that arranges and sometimes hosts events in the East Ohio and Northern Panhandle areas, and the Arts and Cultural Commission involves the cooperation of 14 individuals who help determine the City of Wheeling’s funded entertainment at Heritage Port and inside Wesbanco Arena and the Capitol Theatre.

Crin is one of those 14 members. And yes, she’s damn proud of that fact and not afraid to be heard.

A lady with people.
Crin and her Exit Zero colleagues have presented several events at Taqueria 304 in downtown Wheeling.

Why does it seem like the sound of laughter is your all-time favorite sound?

I mean, the sound of people being happy should be universally liked, right? One of my favorite things about laughter is that it’s unique to every individual.

By the way, what is your favorite sound?

Probably silence with only the sound of a fan in the background. I’m so busy all the time that I really value the quiet.

A man on stage.
Exit Zero Entertainment organizes events throughout the Upper Ohio Valley.

Please explain Exit Zero Entertainment and the goals of the company.

Exit Zero Entertainment is essentially a group of like-minded friends that enjoy bringing different, affordable entertainment options to the Upper Ohio Valley. Whether that is comedy shows, video game tournaments, creative bar games and beyond – if we have the time and means to pull off something cool for the area, we’re down.

What kind of comedy do we enjoy the most here in the Upper Ohio Valley?

I don’t think the Upper Ohio Valley knows what kind of comedy they like. There are so many people that have never been to a comedy show, comedy club or open mic. It’s almost an uncharted territory for many, which makes me excited to bring the opportunity to Wheeling. There are a lot of different demographics to Wheeling so it’s really hard to pinpoint what type of comedy people like most here. I do try to cultivate shows based on the customer base of businesses though, as much as possible.

What is the worst short joke you’ve ever heard?

Um … all of them? I’ve mostly heard them when some guy thinks he’s being funny commenting on my height or using me as an armrest.

In reality, I think it’s trite and rather annoying. If you’re going to pick on me, at least be clever, ya know?