Did He Really Drop the F-Bomb?

The governor of West Virginia returned Monday for a briefing scheduled for 12:30 p.m. from the state capital of Charleston, and he seemed pretty passionate about Mountain State residents following the guidelines during this gradual reopening process.

And I encourage all businesses that are allowed to open to do so only if they f——’ follow the guidelines to keep West Virginia safe.”

As of 7 p.m., there was not a reaction from the Governor’s Office, WV Metro News covered the briefing without mentioning what allegedly was said right around the 15-minute mark. Social media, though, went a bit crazy almost immediately and the memes have been hilarious, too, including one that reads, “The first speech in Mountaineer history written by Samuel L Jackson.”

Some chalked it up to frustration and others believe he was talking to his constituents the way we speak to each other. If that’s the case, he’s not wrong. Say what you wish about Justice, but he’s been very genuine during these daily briefings, and of course, he hates that West Virginia has witnessed 50 deaths thus far. He “hates it like crazy,” and so do I and so do you.

A meme that features a state governor.
This meme popped up on social media soon after the Monday briefing.

Said with Emphasis?

Over the last seven weeks (that have felt like seven months), we’ve all grown tired of being stuck within our walls while working from home and limited to take-out or home cooking meal after meal with zero options. We’ve been prisoners of a pandemic and that’s caused us to cuss, too.

Now, we all know our governor has an interesting way with words while communicating with West Virginians. Remember when he referred to himself as a grizzly bear and a former senator as a puppy while threatening to “eat his ass”?

If his staff comes up with an excuse or proof the footage was doctored somehow, insisting that his accent made it sound one way while he was attempting to say something different, that will be just fine, but I believe the move will disappoint the majority in our state. Justice, in fact, may have won back a few votes from those who have become disgruntled with his leadership.

No matter what you believe came out of the governor’s mouth this afternoon, pay attention to those guidelines or that grizzly bear might come looking for you if COVID-19 doesn’t first.

P.S. … Bummer … https://www.facebook.com/168153600330371/posts/856045391541185/?vh=e&d=n

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