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Donations Sought to Help Ukrainian People


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Looking to really unite behind the people of Ukraine, and in a fashion that requires more of a show of solidarity than updating your Facebook profile picture? Here’s your chance.

There are a number of Ohio Valley residents who have both family and friends back “home” in their native Ukraine and are working behind the scenes to help out in any way they can.

They are putting together a fundraising drive that can pay real-world dividends for some of their embattled relatives and former countrymen and women. How?

They are collecting donations either in cash or via Venmo, that will be totaled and go toward the purchase of bulletproof vests. They have a contact in a nearby country that is making the purchases and will move the vests across the border into Ukraine.

These vests will go toward protecting average citizens who are trying their base to stay away from the fray, but as Russian troops continue to encircle large population centers, may be called upon to become more than bystanders.

“I’m not sure of the exact cost per vest, but our contact is buying from all across Europe and taking them into Ukraine,” one of the organizers of the fundraising drive said, asking to remain anonymous. “But they need money ASAP as time we know is of the essence.

“Physical donations won’t help as we can’t get them to Ukraine in time.”

How to Help

The organizers have worked with the owners of For the Love of Pierogies in St. Clairsville as a central location for donations. Cash donations are being accepted there today until 6 p.m., and can also be made through Venmo under the name Bonnie Johnston Vetanze.

The organizers also put together a rally in support of Ukraine and its people outside the Belmont County Courthouse on Wednesday at 5 p.m. Donations can also be made there, as well as through Tuesday at For the Love of Pierogies.

Earlier Monday, the Associated Press reported that a Russian military convoy advanced to just outside Kyiv, the embattled nation’s capital city.

Event organizers are looking for any help that is able to provide funding to purchase both vests and needed medicines for the Ukrainian citizens in need.

“We are a free people and are fighting for our democracy and freedom,” one organizer said. “We are a proud country that wants to remain our country. We are brave and will never back down to this aggression by Russia.

“We will fight as long as it takes to liberate the country and we will win!”

For more information, visit For the Love of Pierogies on Facebook or the event page for Tuesday’s rally.


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