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Don’t Let Him Steal Your Breath


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For months, I’ve reached out to folks daily to talk about the Child Tax Credit expansion payments. Are you signed up? Why or why not? Can we talk about the difference it’s made for your family? These stories have been shared with our senator and with a large number of media outlets. Every day last week, I was approached by someone working in the media who was seeking out West Virginians who are receiving the payments. We’ve done news stories, podcasts, webinars, radio spots…and West Virginia’s people have carried the message to Senator Manchin loud and strong: this support has changed lives and should be made permanent. 

But he hasn’t seemed to listen. 

Last week, a group of West Virginians headed to D.C. and spent most of their week on boats and in kayaks in front of his home away from home- his houseboat. There was a moment when he came out to talk to the protesters in what appeared to be at the request of his neighbors. There he stood, leaning over the rail of his deck, perfectly positioned above the words “Almost Heaven,” speaking down (literally) to constituents who had spent days seeking him out. He heard them and told them to call for a meeting. This, after a week of scampering around to figure out what his next moves were on the reconciliation package. 

I’ve been at this for a few years now and have never been as tired or as emotional as this moment. Granted, I’ve never had the personal turmoil in my life that I’ve had the past week either, which adds to the emotional load, but this Child Tax Credit stuff is different from anything else I’ve helped fight to win. I believe in my work and know from personal experience that the best advocate for us is us. WE are the experts. 

I won’t take on work that I don’t believe in because I don’t operate to my potential without conviction. And I believe in paid leave because we shouldn’t have to choose between caring for our loved ones and our jobs. I believe in child care because our children need the best start they can have in a state with one of the nation’s lowest education ratings and because it is an essential piece of getting people into the workforce. I believe. I believe. I believe. But this Child Tax Credit stuff has me in my feelings. 

The other day, scrolling social media and reading a couple of articles about how West Virginia is being represented by someone who has the potential of destroying the best chance we’ve had of profoundly cutting poverty in decades, put me in a mood. At what point do we stop saying “thank you for your consideration” and begin saying “you know what? You were elected to represent the people of (West Virginia), who are the same people supporting this legislation by 70%, so get off your ass and pass the damn bill.” I’m tired of feeling like I’m being led around by the nose. It was the moment when my voice started to shake that I realized I needed to sit in that space and figure out why this had me so emotionally involved. 

It took no more than two minutes for me to realize what had me so charged. On one hand, we’re asking people how their lives have improved, and we’re celebrating with them, too. “You moved your kids outta the projects? Yyyeeesss!” …”You paid your fines and have your license back? That’s awesome!!”… “You made sure there was enough food in your freezer for the winter? Yes, girl, that’s what it’s for!”… “You bought a car? Omg!”….But we’ve never slowed down long enough to think about the chance that it will end. What then? Are people still going to be able to afford their new rent? Car note? Stop worrying about food?

And then, the tears started because I understood what it really was that made this so important to me: It’s only been a year since I was able to breathe. It’s only been a year since I experienced what all of these folks are experiencing right now- a chance to catch my breath. I celebrate so deeply with my crew because I remember those feelings of elation when you feel like you’re finally standing on the other side of the struggle. And it crushes my empathic soul to think about what it’s going to feel like if we lose this fight.

We take risks for things that break our heart, so swallow that lump in your throat and call Senator Manchin. Let him know that this means enough to you to move to action. Tell him to not steal your breath. We need you to help us help you. 


Amy Jo

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