Explore the New Manufacturing announced today that Aaron Fedorke has received an Outstanding Educator Award for his work helping student explore career pathways.
Fedorke, a career and technical teacher at Wheeling Park High, works with students in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW), Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Machine Tool Technology. Launched in 2020, the Emerging Elite & Industry Educator Awards celebrates the skills and dedication of students and educators across West Virginia.
“As the Explore Team has worked with students and educators to increase the understanding of manufacturing across the state,
we have been amazed by student talent and poise. The educators involved in our programs are steadfast champions for their students, tirelessly seeking means to help them succeed along their career pathways,” said Monica Cross, Program Director of the WVMAEF.
OUTSTANDING INDUSTRY EDUCATOR Awardees are making positive impacts in the classroom. Student success often is the result of a teacher who is dynamic and inspires pupils to work harder in pursuit of a rewarding future. Awardees have championed students on multiple
Explore the New Manufacturing events and in Career Technical Education endeavors.
All 2020 Emerging Elite and Industry Educator Awards will be available on the Explore website after they have been announced: https://www.exploremfgwv.com/awards.
Explore the New Manufacturing is currently looking for schools and companies to take part in
next year’s activities. If you would like more information, contact Monica Cross at monica@wvma.com or (304) 612-4912.