If they cook it, people will eat it?

That’s what the membership of the Elm Grove Civics is hoping for this Friday evening when the City of Wheeling offers a free screening of PG-rated Field of Dreams this Friday evening at Patterson Field in Elm Grove.

The film will begin on the ballfield at dusk – approximately 8:45 p.m. – and attendees are encouraged to bring their lawn chairs. The Civics will open the concession stand sat 7 p.m. and will offer ballpark foods, including hot dogs, naches, and a variety of beverages.

“We’re looking forward to welcoming a lot of people to our facility in Elm Grove,” said Bo McConnaughy, president of the Elm Grove Civics of the Ohio Valley. “We’re going to offer the kind of food we’ve eaten at the ballpark our whole lives, and it will all be very affordable for the people who come for the movie.

“Baseball is a game that I’ve loved my whole life, and it’s a game that’s been very popular through the years. Not only is Patterson Field where we base our annual Beast of the East Baseball Tournament, but it’s also the field where a lot of great players have played the game. It’s the perfect place to show Field of Dreams.”

In the film starring Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, Ray Liotta and James Earl Jones, Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella hears a mysterious voice one night in his cornfield saying, “If you build it, he will come,” and he feels the need to act.

Despite taunts of lunacy, Ray builds a baseball diamond on his land, supported by his wife, Annie. Afterward, the ghosts of great players start emerging from the crops to play ball, led by “Shoeless” Joe Jackson. But, as Ray learns, this field of dreams is about much more than bringing former baseball greats out to play.

“My father passed away when I was a pretty young guy so this movie has meant something to me since the first time I saw it,” explained McConnaughy. “My dad was my coach when I was a kid and he taught me what was most important, and that was to show up every day ready to play hard and to win, and that’s what I did as a player my entire career.

“As a coach, I taught that to as many players as I could,” he said. “Some of those players learned it and became very good ballplayers, and most of them carried that lesson into their professional lives and it’s worked out for them very well.”

Movie Night is sponsored by the City of Wheeling. No smoking is permitted by orders of the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Board.

“Field of Dreams is a great movie and we’re going to do what we can to add to it wit the concession stand,” McConnaughy said. “And if there are any adults who want more information on joining the Civics, we’ll have several members here.”

All City sponsored programs are subject to change without notice. In case of inclement weather, events may be rescheduled or canceled.