Mount de Chantal Visitation Academy

Mount de Chantal was founded in 1845 in downtown Wheeling, and then the visitation academy moved into the new building in 1865.

Mount de Chantal was one of the oldest and most respected girls’ schools in the state. It operated for 163 years before it closed on May 31, 2008.

I’m sure there are many interesting stories about the school. When I decided many years ago that I wanted to do a project about the Mount, I was thinking of a poster or a small book. During that research, I found a postcard written by a student.

Her name was Marie McIntyre. She graduated in 1911 and was from the Crafton/ Pittsburgh area. I was given a photograph and some information about her from the school. She became Mrs. Edward Lee Bladel and lived in Crafton most of her life and passed away in 1958.

Please enjoy the photos I have collected. This is one of those places most believes would never go away. I think everyone in Wheeling is missing Mount de Chantal Visitation Academy.

A Passion

It has been a passion of mine to showcase and preserve Wheeling’s rich history with this series of historic photographs that briefly highlight businesses and buildings that are “Gone Forever” from the fabric of Wheeling and the Upper Ohio Valley.

I hope with this series, I am able to show the large amount of industry and businesses that thrived here in the early 1930’s and 1940’s, attracting people from many countries and all walks of life, who all helped to make Wheeling the greatest city in West Virginia.

If you have suggestions on a favorite business or location that is gone please submit that to me at I will do my best to search out and tell that story.

A postcard with a handwritten note.
While researching the school, Thornton discovered this postcard complete with a handwritten note.
a photo of a student.
Thornton found Marie McIntyre, a 1911 alum of Mount de Chantal Visitation Academy.
A sheet of paper with information on it.
As his research continued, Thornton communicated with administrators at the school.
A postcard in black and white.
This postcard reveals the original entrance to Mount de Chantal Visitation Academy.
A postcard of a school.
For many years, the Mount grounds were beautifully landscaped along the long driveways.
A postcard of a chapel.
The ladies of the Mount attended many services inside this beautiful chapel.
A postcard of a school.
The girls’ school operated until May 2008.
A photo of a man with grey hair.
James Thornton

James Thornton has published several volumes of history on the city of Wheeling, and those interested in purchasing one of them can do so by contacting him at or visit the Creative Impressions website. The books can be purchased at the Wheeling Heritage Center, Kroger on Mount de Chantal Road, Miklas Meat Market, Nail City Records, the UPS Store in the Washington Avenue Plaza, VC Wares at Centre Market, Bower’s Decorating at The Highlands, and on the website