The Youth Mentoring Network (YMN), a program through Youth Services System, Inc. (YSS), promotes healthy relationships with adults who can offer support when families and guardians need it most. ­­

According to West Virginia Watch, grandparents with guardianship of their grandchildren are at a 40-50% ratio in W.Va. The article explains that due to grandparent guardianship, financial and mental health needs are at an all-time high. The YMN aims to provide extra support to families and guardians looking for ways to provide for their children and grandchildren. 

YMN Coordinator, Ashley Flaherty, says, “West Virginia is the 2nd state in the nation of grandparents raising their grandchildren.  Many of these grandparents never expected to be in this situation.” Flaherty continues, “Raising grandchildren comes with its own sets of challenges, including emotional, physical, and financial needs.”

From the YMN website: “The YMN provides children facing adversity a strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationship that enhances their lives.”

Mentors offer a listening ear and a supportive presence, helping grandchildren navigate the emotional complexities of kinship care. This support can be crucial for their mental health and well-being. Mentors also serve as positive role models, demonstrating healthy behaviors, goal-setting, and problem-solving skills. This can inspire children and give them a broader perspective on their potential.

In honor of Grandparents Day on Sept. 8, 2024, the YMN would like to recognize all grandparents, especially those who are raising their grandchildren.

One grandmother shares her experience with her grandchild being in the program. “Mentoring has helped my grandchild venture outside the bubble of her home.  She really enjoys the program and looks forward to spending time with her mentor.” She continues, “It’s been a wonderful experience for her to be able to do activities with another adult who is not grandma.”

The Youth Mentoring Network can provide additional support to families by matching youth with a supportive, positive adult role model. Support systems and families look different in each household. The YMN is there to be a part of the support, whatever that might look like. 

If you are a parent, grandparent or guardian and want to learn more about the program, contact the YMN Coordinator at (304) 559-2239 or email


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