Who Upset Her?

Years ago, an ad on television ended with the following: “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!” The basic idea was that if you did something to offend Mother Nature, she would repay you with nasty weather. The other day as I was pulling out of my driveway, I thought of that ad as I watched little balls of ice falling from the sky to go joyfully dancing on the hood of my car. LITTLE! ICE! BALLS! IN MAY! Somebody somewhere did something to make Mother Nature angry with the Ohio Valley. Whoever you are, please stop. We are missing our SPRING here. Thank you.

Even Children Are Doing It!

From the Mass Shooting Tracker, here is an absolutely horrifying tidbit. Since January 2021 there have been 195 mass shootings, leaving 245 people dead and approximately 731 wounded.

In the wake of the FedEx. shooting in Indianapolis, President Joe Biden said, “Gun violence is an epidemic in America. But we should not accept it. We must act.”

Well that epidemic now has spread to the middle-school level when last week in Idaho a sixth-grade girl came to Rigby Middle School, pulled a handgun from her backpack, and opened fire. She wounded two students and a custodian before a teacher disarmed her. Fortunately none of the wounds was fatal, and at this writing, the incident still is under investigation.

But sixth grade! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


While we’re on the subject of guns, what about South Carolina? That state has the death penalty by either lethal injection or the electric chair, but it no longer has the chemicals necessary for lethal injection. Thus, state lawmakers solved the problem by installing death by firing squad in place of lethal injection. Apparently the necessary drugs for lethal injection aren’t readily available, so the state is ready load up the muskets.

A New Trial! Really? 

In a trial that was every bit as important as the O.J. Simpson trial, Derek Chauvin was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter in the death of George Floyd. Chauvin, a white police officer killed George Floyd, an African American, by kneeling on his neck for more than nine minutes. Despite Floyd’s repeated pleas that he couldn’t breathe, Chauvin kept the pressure on for several minutes after Floyd became completely motionless.

The jury deliberated for about 10 hours before returning a guilty verdict on all three counts and causes of death. Among the reasons Chauvin’s  attorney Eric J. Nelson listed in his motion for a new trial was that Chauvin didn’t get a fair trial because of the pre-trial publicity. If you can stand the legalese, here is part of the motion: “Such publicity included post-testimony, but pre-deliberation, intimidation of the defense’s expert witnesses, from which the jury was not insulated.

The publicity here was so pervasive and so prejudicial before and during this trial that it amounted to a structural defect in the proceedings.”

There are video and still shots of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd’s neck, and those images have been circulated so widely and so often that finding anyone who hasn’t seen the murder or heard about it is just about impossible. Perhaps Chauvin’s attorneys may be able to find 12 impartial jurors living in caves in Zimbabwe or someplace like that. And a change of venue isn’t going to help either because Chauvin murdered Floyd in broad daylight with video cameras rolling and millions watching.

Chauvin is guilty. THE END! 

Deja What?

India just keeps setting records for coronavirus cases, and it recently recorded more than 400,000 cases in a single day as it approaches 20 million cases. A lot of states there are getting ready to initiate complete lockdowns soon.

The prime minister there is Narendra Modi, and a lot of people are saying that he didn’t do enough to get the country ready for the virus, and that even though the cases kept piling up, he said that everything was copacetic. Now am I wrong, or does that have a vaguely familiar ring to it? Just saying.

Ponder This:

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? ~Anonymous

Bill Hanna’s Musings – Chauvin Verdict, Covid-19, and Flying Turtles