Hanna’s Musings – Spring, Putin, Unretirement

Apology Almost Accepted

It looks as if my rant against Mother Nature last week may have done some good. Beginning last Monday, temperatures have been improving steadily until last Wednesday, when they flirted with the 70-degree mark. They didn’t quite make it, but 68 degrees is acceptable considering what we have been through so far this winter.

A Modern Horror Story

As if Russia hasn’t generated enough bad news with the war, check this bizarre tale in which Vladimir Putin has just a supporting role. Gretta Vedler was a 23-year-old Russian model who last year enlisted social media to vent her feelings about Putin.

In her comments she said: “Given the fact that Putin went through a lot of humiliation in childhood, he could not stand up for himself due to his [slight] physical form; therefore it is not surprising that he left after law school and joined the KGB. Such people are timid and fearful from childhood, afraid of noise and darkness, strangers, so traits such as caution, restraint, and lack of communication are developed early in their character.”

In the Mirror Vedler wrote: “I can only assume, in my opinion, clear psychopathy or sociopathy is seen in him. For psychopaths, it is important to constantly experience a sense of fullness and sharpness of life, so they love risk, intense experiences, intense communication, intense activity – an intense and dynamic life.”

Vedler disappeared one month after expressing her displeasure with Putin, and just recently her body was discovered when according an article in the Daily Star, “… her ex-boyfriend Dmitry Korovin, 23, confessed to strangling her to death before driving her 300 miles to the Lipetsk region and abandoning the body in the boot of a car.”

Korovin said he killed Vedler in “a row” over money and not anything she had said against Putin. During his confession Korovin said that he slept with Vedler’s corpse for three days after he killed her, and then he shoved her body into a suitcase which he then locked in the trunk of a car, where he kept her remains for a year before she finally was discovered. Korovin also said he kept posting things apparently from her so it would appear as if she were still alive. Tell me Hitchcock wouldn’t have scooped up this story.

In doing research for this piece, I read a number of articles about the story, and not one of them mentioned preserving the corpse. Now I’m not an undertaker, but I can’t help wondering what the body would look like after spending a year inside a suitcase locked in the trunk of a car. YUCK! I just wonder whether the story crossed Putin’s desk. And if it did, how did he react?

He Did What?

In case you missed it (How could, you?), just 40 days after announcing his retirement, Tom Brady announced his unretirement. He will return to call the signals for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, marking his 23rd NFL season.  In citing the reason for his decision, the 44-year-old Brady took to Twitter: “These past two months I’ve realized my place is still on the field and not in the stands. That time will come. But it’s not now. I love my teammates, and I love my supportive family. They make it all possible.”

So why did Brady unretire? Was it for the money? No, his net worth is listed at $180 million, and his wife reportedly has more than $400 million. I seriously doubt that they worry about the price of movie tickets. Was it for the fame?  No. Who on the planet doesn’t know Tom Brady’s name? Maybe some of the newbies in hospital nurseries. Was it to win another Super Bowl ring? No, he already has seven of them. I think there’s a simple reason he unretired. It’s because he can. Period!


YES! After enduring one of the worst winters in memory, the Ohio Valley finally welcomed Spring 2022 this morning. That final storm with all the snow and ice was one of the worst I can ever remember, and being without power for several days made me realize how absolutely horrific it is for those people who live through tornadoes and hurricanes. I often hear people complaining about living in Wheeling, but watching the nightly news always makes me glad the Ohio Valley is my home. End of commercial.

Ponder This:

The first time I got a universal remote control, I       thought to myself, “This changes everything.”

                                                           ~ Anonymous

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