Here We Go, Steelers!

Well, as remarkable as it may seem, the Pittsburgh Steelers have continued masquerading as a cross between a cat and the Energizer Bunny right into the NFL playoffs. Unfortunately, they must face the high-powered Kansas City Chiefs in the first round, and the Steelers don’t draw much attention as the favorites. But they have won some amazing games to get where they are. So who knows what can happen? Here we GO!

What Filibuster?

It seems that the children in Washington, D.C., are all hot and bothered by the filibuster, and that makes perfect sense since most of them have no idea what they are talking about anyway. If you listen to any of them for very long, it will give you a monumental headache, and who wants a headache? I certainly don’t, but I may have one forced upon me if I have to hear or read any more about the damn filibuster. Exactly what is a filibuster anyway? Hamlet said, “To filibuster or not to filibuster? That is the question.” I don’t know whether Hamlet ever found an answer to his question because we aren’t really sure he knows what makes a good filibusterer. And does he even care? At least he’s not like that Ahab dude, who spent his life chasing a huge white fish, and he had a lot of help with him. Since he was always limping around on the of his ship, he never really had time to filibuster about anything.  If you want to see a guy who can filibuster, check out a lawyer named Atticus Finch. This guy really knows what he’s talking about, but the sad truth is that it didn’t help him in the end. So you see that even someone skilled in filibustering is not always going to win in the end. Some people have said that filibustering is an art, but others have said that it leaves nothing but a lot of hot air, and they choose to pay no attention to it. The problem is that those who are doing the filibustering really don’t care whether people are listening to them or not. All they want to do is take up time and talk about something that nobody is interested in. Now you keep watch on these guys in DC to see how they slow everything down, and also watch the people in the audience who are reading newspapers, talking on their cell phones, and if they could sneak a little drink in there, they might do that too — anything to keep from listening to the person who’s doing the filibustering.

It’s a ridiculous waste of time, and I hope you understand this by now because I’m getting very tired of trying to explain it to you all. What I want you to understand is that filibustering doesn’t take much skill or practice because all you need is big mouth filled with hot air because virtually anyone can do it, and maybe that’s why so little gets accomplished in Congress because those guys love to hear themselves talk, and they don’t care whether anyone is listening to them or not because some of them could go one for days polluting the atmosphere with their useless drivel. What’s that you say? You want to know what a filibuster is? Pull up a chair, and I’ll tell you. Briefly, a filibuster begins…

Worth It?

I’ve been an animal lover for as long as I can remember. And that’s a long time. Although I am particularly partial to dogs, I’ve often wished I could have had a lion, but that just never worked out, so I’ve been content to lavish all my love and affection on the plethora of dogs that have given me great joy over the years. Dogs are capable of bestowing total love and fierce devotion on their owners while asking so little in return; an unexpected biscuit or a scratch behind the ears will suffice. Yes, dogs are the boss pets. Until they die! Mourning the death of a dog (or any pet) is tantamount to extensive dental work sans Novocain or being forced to visit the local DMV four times in the same day. My wife and I have wept copiously and unashamedly at the demise of each and every dog we have ever owned. This subject is particularly touchy now because we recently had to bid farewell to our beloved two shelties within a few months of each other. And suddenly things that were mild irritants became treasured memories like barking at the mailman or coming in out of the rain soaking you when they shake all over you. Take heed dog (and all) pet lovers. Treasure every moment you have with them because no matter how long you are with them, it’s never enough. But was the time spent with them worth it? ABSOLUTELY YES!

Here IT Is!

I’ve been telling you that it was coming all along, and now here it is. Were you ready, or did you have to rush to the local store for some bread and milk and eggs and maybe some happy water? If you have enough supplies, just drive into the Kroger parking lot and watch the fun as people will be playing tug-of-war with the last loaf of bread on the shelves.

This also is our opportunity to gauge the accuracy of the local weather prognosticators because I’ve heard everything four to 12 inches of new snow for the Ohio Valley. For anyone who is new out there, welcome to winter in the Valley. Just watch how quickly the lovely whiteness of the pristine snow turns into gallons and gallons of black sludge that splashes all over your car and that you drag into your car on your feet. Happy days. Winter has arrived. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Ponder This:

I bought one of those tapes that teaches you Spanish while you sleep. The tape skipped during the night. Now all I can do is stutter in Spanish.

                                                                      ~  Steven Wright