As the world opens back up from the lockdown of the COVID pandemic, Americans are beginning to travel again to exotic locations. Only the idea of “exotic” has changed a little. People are finding exotic much closer to home, within driving distance, and in some cases in their own back yard. That is the case with the Historic Village of Mount Pleasant, Ohio. According to Historical Society president, Angela Feenerty, “People are coming to tour our Village from all over.”
The Historical Society of Mt. Pleasant will be hosting their annual Historic Home Tour Saturday and Sunday, August 7-8. “If you’ve never been on the tour before, you will be amazed at what all is here, and if you’ve been here before, you won’t believe all that has happened in the past year,” said Feenerty. “Five of our six historic buildings have undergone extensive restoration and updates made recently, and all of our museum spaces have been redesigned to show off previously hidden parts of our collection,” Feenerty added.
The Society has historic craftspeople and speakers planned for the event. Abe Lincoln will be on hand in the form of a first-person impersonator to speak to the guests and lecture from the steps of the Elizabeth House. There will be a hat maker, chair caner and basket weaver all located in a recently restored 1806 two-story log house. The log house restoration is the project of Feenerty and her husband, Don, who began restoration five years ago. The log house will be part of the tour this year.

Also located on the grounds of the log house will be a two-man saw demonstration and lessons. Unified Bank and Theaker Excavating will be co-sponsoring an archeology and fiscal literacy awareness program for children under a period-correct canvas tent. Children whose parents are on the tour will be able to dig for buried treasure, while supplies last.
A highlight of this year’s tour will be working demonstrations in the Historical Society’s 19th Century Tin Shop conducted by Master Tinsmiths, Carl, and Marcia Giordano. The Giordano’s work has been used in historical displays and sold in places such as Colonial Williamsburg and Monticello and has most recently been featured in the hit TV series Underground Railroad. Tin items will also be available for sale or order at the Tin Shop during the tour.
The event will also include the Kenn Siccle Memorial Classic Car Cruise, Saturday from 1-4. Car Cruise etiquette will apply. The Village of Mt. Pleasant will provide a free concert in the Village Park at the Gazebo Saturday evening beginning at 6 featuring Josh Sokoloski.
The Historic Lundy House will not be on the tour due to renovations and restorations being conducted by the Ohio History Connection. The 1814 Quaker Annual Meeting House will be open and available as part of the tour. Tour hours are Saturday, August 7, 10-5, and Sunday, August 8, 1-5. Tickets will be available at the Elizabeth House for $15 per adult. Children under 15 will be admitted at no charge with a paying adult.