John Bishop: A Damn Good Man Who Prefers You Smiling

A man posing for a photo.
John Bishop is a Wheeling native who loves his hometown and works to make Wheeling a better place to live each day.

He checks on you. Makes sure you’re OK. Maybe he heard about an illness or an accident, but if John Bishop knows you, he hopes you’re OK.

Now, if he doesn’t know you, he’ll still offer you the benefit of the doubt. John’s like that. He gives people a chance when no one offers trust without a background check and references. John genuinely congratulates, honestly prays, shakes a hand firmly, and the man’s word is his word.

Bishop drives a truck for Walmart and he works hard, and in his spare time he officiates high school football games. Make no mistake, though, he’s a Park fan, and he’s not afraid to wear the colors or post pro-Patriots support on social media.

The same goes with his patriotism following his four years and two tours with the United States Navy during Operation Desert Storm in the early 1990s. Bishop – rightfully so – takes his service seriously and he supports all-things connected to veterans and the needs they have in the Wheeling area.

The best part? John Bishop is NOT too good to be true.

He speaks his mind, calls ‘em as he sees ‘em, and he respects opposing opinions in a world where the definition of “compromise” has lost its luster when it comes to social interaction. Bishop isn’t concerned too much with “keeping up with the Joneses” but instead feels you should “do you” and he’ll take care of his family circle, too.

Two people smiling.
John and his wife, Karen, enjoy traveling, entertaining, and going to concerts as often as possible.

Do people call you “weird” because you’re such a positive person?

I really don’t think I’m weird because of positivity. I’m weird due to Type A personality. I always want to be perfect in everything or for everyone. I always put my heart into everything.

Which sitcom is your all-time favorite?

My favorite sitcom. This is a toss up. Friends or Married with Children or Big Bang Theory.

A man in the Navy.
John served four years in the United State Navy and was deployed twice during Operation Desert Storm.

What is it that you love most about your hometown?

I love my friends and doing things with them like golfing and concerts, too. I love my kids and family and the dynamic of everyday things that happen in a family. I love the comedy in all of them.

What I love about my hometown is simple. It’s PEOPLE. Hands down it’s always been about the people for me. Also, the cost of living here is really great. Not so much right now, but I believe this place has potential and with the right leadership the city will prosper. You have to take care of the people and the people will take care of the city.  

Why the Salvation Army?

Why the Salvation Army? I care about the people of this community and love to serve them. I believe that the Salvation Army has the same beliefs.

A man smiling for a photo.
Bishop had driven truck for several outfits in the region before accepting a position with Walmart.

When you finally relax, what is your music of choice?

I like all kinds of music, but what I mostly listen to is WOMP FM for the old-school tunes, but I also listen to Top 40. I grew up listening to 80′ like you did, Mr Novotney!