It’s not about being difficult. Not at all. She swears while crossing her heart.

Instead, it’s about finding the best path to accomplish what she wants to get done. And yes, sometimes that means, let’s say, “things” are going to look, well, a little differently. Imagine if you would a young lady with fire-red hair operating her two small businesses with a straight-forward-no-BS mindset.

That’s right, she takes no 💩.

What makes the scenario even better is the fact Kristy Ferguson is friendly, organized, and willing to be a part of making the Elm Grove neighborhood in Wheeling a better place to live and do business. That’s why she volunteered to be the president of the Elm Grove Business, and why she’s evolved a food-based event into what’s now known as “Fall Fest” in September, and why she created “Groovin’ in the Grove” for the spring. 

See. Different.

Ferguson just celebrated her sixth anniversary in Wheeling after living in the Huntington area most of her life. Here in the valley, she sees the good in the people, and she believes progress is possible. That’s why she owns and operates Elite Massage and KMF Photography along National Road, and why the entrepreneur envisions growth for both in the near future.

But don’t worry. Ferguson won’t leave Elm Grove. Not only because she’s a faithful sort, but also because the little hamlet has become her home.

A photo of three girls.
Ferguson was raised in a conservative family where proper conduct and manners were expected.

Please tell us the story about how you decided to make massage a big part of how you make a living. 

My passion for massage therapy started as a young child, by massaging my mother’s hands. She worked as a seamstress so often her hands would hurt at the end of her workday. When my mother was later diagnosed with breast cancer, she had said to me that she knew her days were numbered so she didn’t want to be on medication for her pain. She wanted to be present and not sleepy or unaware. So, I decided to go back to school for massage therapy. 

She wasn’t thrilled with this decision as I had already gotten my original degree from Marshall, but I knew the greater plan. Midway through the program I took continuing education courses for people living with cancer. 

I honestly have to say massage therapy was never the plan for my career. It was only to help my mother. Ten years later, lying in the hospice house of Huntington, I spoke to my mother for the last time. I promised her that I would make it my career and mission to help people just like her.

She rolled her eyes at me, but then smiled. She followed by saying, ‘That’s wonderful baby.’

She left us only a few hours later. 

But that promise is one I honored through volunteer work with hospice as well as offering Oncology Massage at Elite Massage Therapy. If you’ve ever been inside my studio, you will see two photos. One is of my mother and I on my graduation day from NIT, and the other is of her as a child. 

These are reminders of my WHY.

In your opinion, what is most interesting about the village of New Vrindaban? 

The Palace of Gold is a rare chance to visit India but stay right here in the hills of West Virginia.

West Virginia is often stereotyped as a farmland and coal mines, but New Vrindaban is full of stunning sights and interesting culture. You don’t need to be Hindu or take part in their chants. Those folks are used to tourist.

Maybe – just maybe – you will learn of a different way of life unlike your own. If that’s not your thing, then just walk around and take in the beauty and sounds of the peacocks that roam the property. 

Anytime I have friends in from out of the area this is one of the first places I take them as I play tour guild. Why? Because it’s unbelievable that we have a place this beautiful and interesting right here in our foothills of West Virginia. I highly recommend taking a tour of the palace and at least once in your lifetime because you need to witness the swan boat festival which is held every Saturday night during the summer. 

A lady with a smile.
Ferguson enjoys adventures even if it means hanging out with a moth.

What could the government in Wheeling learn from the government in Huntington?

Well, I must start by saying Huntington has its issues and it by no means is “better” than Wheeling. Both cities have their problems. But to answer your question, my first observation is that Huntington has a grant writer on staff. 

By having a full-time grant writer, the city can find the money to add in their revitalization and future projects. Often, I hear the complaints from those here in the panhandle that Charleston and Huntington get all the funding. This is one of the reasons I believe to be somewhat of the case. 

The next is that the City of Huntington has a partnership with the W.Va. AmeriCorps program and Preservation Alliance of West Virginia. These programs together assist with funding micro grants such as “Love Your Block”. This is just another asset to help with future revitalization and preservation.

Lastly, the City of Huntington has created a position within their government called the Business Services Advocate. The Business Services Advocate is available to assist business owners in navigating zoning, permitting, and licensing processes. This is something that I have been wanting to see for some time. 

The process of opening a business is lengthy. There is no easy step by step guild. It should be a much easier process and the creation of an office would be a great asset to aid in further growth. 

Now each one of these are things that I personally see that Huntington has that Wheeling does not to my knowledge. And again, I am not saying one is better than the other. I am just simply saying that these differences could help Wheeling to grow and get back to the grand state that it once was. 

Why Elm Grove? 

This is a much easier question to answer. When I relocated six years ago it was a quick random move. I needed to find a place that was affordable, available instantly, and that was safe to walk my dog. Elm Grove was just that and added the convenience of being close to Interstate 70 and I-470 for a soother commute. 

A couple years later, I decided it was time to go back into business for myself and naturally this community I call home is where I wanted to have my business as well for all those same reasons. Rentals were affordable, the community was safe, it’s very convenient coming from downtown, Ohio or Pennsylvania. 

A lady posing for a photo.
She moved to Wheeling six years ago, and now Ferguson owns and operates two businesses in Elm Grove.

Why the red hair? 

Hilarious question with an answer you might not have guessed. 

I grew up in a very strict conservative home. My parents did not allow us to have much creativity to our appearance. We had to be very proper and speak appropriately to the length of not speaking with a strong accent like our neighbors or relatives. 

Yes, that is right, I grew up wearing ruffled dresses and fold down lace socks with my oxfords.

Later in life, I married into a well-known, wealthy family that required the same attention to detail and a conservative lifestyle. Needless to say, when I divorced, I had enough of living in that box. As a former boss labeled me as a square peg round whole. 

I have since had my hair many colors. Blonde, pink, purple, rainbow, red, and currently more of a sunset or fire (purple, red and yellow). 

Why because why not! Life is short so live out loud and don’t forget to a little fun.