OCPL staff member Nayt Knapp is an insect enthusiast. Specifically, he is a big fan of the order Mantodea, better known as Mantises. The order features more than 2,400 species living all over the globe in temperate zones. Most people are familiar with the triangular heads, alien-like eyes, long slender bodies, long folded arms, and green hue of the ambush predator commonly known as the “praying mantis.”
These are typically of the European and Chinese varieties common in the United States, which are actually invasive species. Mantises have been part of human culture, art, and myth since ancient times. In this conversation, Nayt will address questions about mantises, including: How long do they live? What do they eat? What’s sexual cannibalism? Can they fly?
Are they dangerous to humans? How smart are they? Do they make good pets? Is it illegal to kill one?
Nayt will also tell us all about the exciting new Mantis-CAM and Vivarium exhibit at the library!