There are soooo many questions one could ask Michael Biela.
Like, does he secretly despise Polka music but he’s just afraid to tell his father – and Polka legend – Rich Biela? Or can he explain why his precious, four-year-old daughter ALREADY knows she wants to be a pilot? A pilot?
C’mon, Michael, be honest …
Oh, and what the people really want to know is which Tucker in-law – Ryan, Shannon, or Kelly – is his favorite?
Of course, asking is one thing and getting answers is another, right? And, hey, why even bother with the supposed controversial inquiries when his replies are so predictable? Of course, rolling out the barrels is a way of life, and obviously, his daughter Annie is a big dreamer just like her parents.
And anyone who knows Michael knows he’s a fan of everyone – even his wife Casey’s brother and sisters.
So, instead, sticking with topics that reveal Michael as the full-time ambassador he is to the Wheeling area is most proper because his marketing work with the Wheeling Convention & Visitors Bureau is a passion he’s possessed long before reporting to work in downtown Wheeling. Michael is a Shadyside guy who earned his communications degree at Ohio University Eastern, and he and his bride have made Wheeling their home since September 2017.
So, it’s easy to see the man’s existence is surrounded by love affairs not just with his wife, daughter, and his entire family, but also with where he lives and everything that goes with it.

On a scale of 1 to 10 – with 10 representing the most difficult – how hard is it to do your job of promoting the Wheeling area?
It’s definitely a 1 for me. I feel we are so lucky to live in an area with such amazing amenities, and I enjoy passing that enthusiasm on to visitors. We are also fortunate to have great partners in our region and throughout the state, and we all work together to make sure we can provide the best experience possible to every guest coming to West Virginia.
Visitors love it here for many reasons, from history to events, and we are always prepared to answer any questions they may have before they start their journey.
What is the most common question asked by someone visiting Wheeling?
We get some great questions at the CVB, but everyone always wants to know where the best places are to eat. Luckily for us, Wheeling has no shortage of food destinations.
We, of course, get asked about Coleman’s Fish Market and DiCarlo’s Pizza due to their iconic statuses, but we always enjoy pointing out what’s new or a cool hidden gem. Currently, everyone is gearing up for the summer season, so a lot of questions are being asked in regards to festival dates, live entertainment throughout the city, and everything else taking place over the next few months. Summer is always an exciting time in our area, and this year is shaping up to be yet another successful season.

OK, it has to be asked … do you really like Polka music or was it a house rule growing up? (please explain)
I really do like Polka music!
My dad has been a polka DJ and a drummer in a polka band my entire life, so growing up it never seemed out of the ordinary. It was always on, whether on the house radio or in the family car. Attending the area dances and festivals always felt like a big family reunion to me.
We now have the Wheeling Polka Festival every March at Oglebay, so I’m able to continue those traditions with my family here at home as well.
Have you ever caught yourself dancing to polka music that’s only in your head? Don’t lie!
Most definitely!
So many of those melodies have been engraved into my brain over the years that I’m pretty much always humming the tune to one song or another. I love the musicianship behind it all and really enjoy watching the bands play live more than anything.
Some of the instruments used in polkas are fascinating to watch being played, especially the concertina and clarinet. One of my favorites is the “Clarinet Polka” and to see Hall of Famers like Lenny Gomulka or Dennis Polisky play it live is a real treat.

What is the best lesson taught to you by your four-year-old daughter, Annie?
The best lesson taught to me by my four-year-old daughter is finding the joy in life.
As adults, we tend to forget to enjoy the little things in life. But, for example, when we’re on Wheeling Heritage Trail in the evenings and Annie finds the most amazing, spectacular leaf she’s ever seen in her life, and you see that look of wonder on her face over something so simple as a fallen leaf, that’s when the reminder to stop and take it all in really sets in for me.