Moran Family Center Still at Heart of Lansing Community

The Lansing Community Center, and the Lansing Elementary School before it, served as an important focal point of the surrounding community since the mid-20th century.

That thought wasn’t lost on Shaun Moran when the building came up for sale late last spring.

Moran’s wife, Jackie, is the owner of Valley Behavioral Health, and its Autism Center is located inside the community center. Because of that, the Morans had advanced notice that the owners were looking to sell.

Knowing its benefit to the community and owning his own set of memories of the building, Moran knew what he had to do.

“We knew the owner was getting older and was interested in selling. It’s a great facility; it has great bones, and we realized it would be a great purchase for us,” Moran said. “It means a lot to everybody in the community. I think I had my first bloody nose on the playground. It’s kind of odd to own it.”

But that’s just what Shaun and his wife did, taking over ownership on May 22 and retitling it as the Moran Family Center.

It still houses Jackie’s business, along with the Lansing Senior Center, serving as the community gathering space for senior citizens in the area in connection with Senior Services of Belmont County.

But it’s also available for rent for a number of various events and activities. And that list is growing.

The new backboards are pictured and Moran took care to preserve the original styling of the floor

Multiple Uses Abound

Recently, the Moran Family Center played host to the annual Pine Wood Derby for Bridgeport Cub Scout Pack 109, which had an excellent turnout.

A recent addition is the full-length batting cage tunnel, able to accommodate both softball and baseball. Shaun’s daughter and niece both play for the Ohio Xtreme Power softball team, which gave him the idea.

“There is a year-round market for softball and baseball teams to use the cage, which I didn’t even realize.”

The gym inside the center also received new backboards for the basketball court. And the rims now are officially 10 feet from the floor—finally. Moran got a laugh when he recalled replacing the backboards and realizing all this time, they were actually 9-feet, 8-inches off the floor instead of the regulation 10 feet.

The gym is available for multiple uses in addition to sports, including birthday parties, baby showers, and wedding receptions. It features a full-service kitchen, complete with industrial stove, sinks, and multiple refrigerators.

It also features a gym stage, which is cleaned and fully operational. That stage housed the Lansing Follies Minstrel Show for a number of years.

Moran noted those wishing to utilize the batting cage should call and schedule a time as the slots are filling up fast. The gymnasium portion is open from 5-9 p.m. during the week and 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. on the weekends. The cost of a full day’s rental for the gym is $200 on the weekends or $100 for a half-day, either 8-3 or 3-10. During the week, it’s available for $10 per hour.

Jackie’s personal office is one of the first that Shaun remodeled.

Moving Forward

Moran noted his primary focus thus far has been the gym and the outside of the facility. That focus has now shifted to renovating many of the former 30 by 30 classrooms throughout the building.

There are additional businesses currently housed inside the center. The plan is for more.

“We are continuing to work on the renovations of the rooms, and, in the future, we’d like to have each filled,” Moran said. “It’s a great space for smaller businesses that don’t need a lot of space. This will provide an office space and address say instead of working from home.”

Moran also is looking at setting up a sort of pod-style office system so multiple small businesses can be located in a central area.

Shaun and Jackie both wanted to thank their parents for supporting their decision to invest in the building.

“When we were younger my dad was talking about Tommy Hilfiger and said how great it would be to have your name on a product,” Shaun said. “That’s why the family name is on the building.”

For more information, visit the center’s Facebook page or visit its website at

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