It was mid-morning a few days after Daylight Savings Time ended, and the day started out rainy, dreary, and dark, and I looked at my wife and said, “If you would like to get started early with the Christmas decorations, it’d be fine by me.”
She replied, “What about all of the people complaining about people who are decorating before Thanksgiving?”
“Do they live in this house?
“Good point.”
Mind you, my wife’s nickname at this time of year is “Mrs. Claus” because through our 31 years together she somehow has managed to compile enough Christmas decorations to fill 52 bins. That is why I must admit our home here in East Wheeling has two guestrooms that are not guestrooms.
Two weeks later, and the artwork on our walls has changed, there now are three artificial trees in the living room, dining room, and kitchen, my home office is complete with Baseball Santa, Golfing Santa, and Camping Santa, and the exterior lights will be completed this afternoon. I’ll admit I needed a shine, a glisten, and a sparkle on that gloomy day, and since the weather at this time of year in the Upper Ohio Valley is consistently cloud-covered, what better way is there to accomplish that than with the twinkle of a Savior’s nativity?
So never mind those who wish to suppress your “Ho! Ho! Ho!” holiday season and have at it if you wish. The human race from time to time invents short and simple sayings that quickly clarify one’s feelings. Recently there’s been “it is what it is” and “you do you,” and both apply in this particular case. Oh wait, there’s one more …
“May you never be too grown up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.”