Guests: Erikka Storch, Rick Jones, Mike Hughes
Most West Virginians felt doomed by a reduction in personal income tax and increases in sales and tobacco taxes in the Mountain State, but the House of Delegates surprised everyone by turning the proposal away with an incredible 100-0 vote against.
Del. Erikka Storch joins me for the first hour of the show to tell that story and several others from the W.Va. Legislature’s regular session.
Ohio County Schools Assistant Superintendent Rick Jones joins me to discuss how student-athletes are dealing with two sports at one time, the positive cases that have been recorded the past couple of weeks, and how this summer’s learning programs will offer a chance for students to catch up on missed curriculum.
Mike Hughes from LEDE News joins me to discuss the overlap of sports in West Virginia and what he has seen thus far, and we’ll also talk about his feature today on the Linsly girls’ basketball teams, the food renaissance that’s taken place in Bellaire, and about his recent feature on retired Bellaire educator Allen Olexa.
“Steve Novotney Lives!” – 3-5 p.m. M-W-F on Facebook Live (go to LEDE News Facebook page) and posted on Pandora, Spotify, PodBean, YouTube, Amazon Music/Audible, iHeartRadio, PlayerFM, Apple Podcast (iTunes), and ListenNotes.