We live among positive people and negative people

We were reminded of that fact this past week following the announcement about the $63 million hotel project coming to the corner of 14th and Main streets. While the vast majority of folks expressed excitement, some cast doubt on the viability of such a venture for a number of different reasons.

They’ve insisted the new jobs aren’t good enough jobs and that there’s no reason to visit downtown Wheeling anyway. They’ve questioned how a new hotel will help the citizens of the city and they’ve claim it’s only for the wealthy. Others couldn’t fathom how it could help grow a so-called “gone-for-good downtown,” and a few have insisted once it fails the building could house the homeless.

In some minds, such a development in downtown Wheeling is too good to come true, and that’s OK; opinions are opinions. The mistake so many make, though, is attempting to change minds already made up because that only amplifies the doubt.

So, instead, ignore, realize not every announcement will be met with unanimous support, and know there’s nothing you can do to change it because some folks simply practice the “seeing is believing” approach.

And no one can blame them, if you think about it, especially since there’s still no renovated McLure Hotel, no cracker plant in Belmont County, and no Wheeling-Pitt loft apartments. As the old saying goes, “💩💩💩💩 Happens” and some folks have grown tired of stepping in it, that’s all.

Simply, it’s now up to the hotel developers to prove one side correct and the other, well, not so much so some can say, “I told you so.