Novotney: Make Wheeling’s Trails Safe Again … Please


Far too many times last summer were concerns about posted on social media and voiced to city officials pertaining to safety on the Heritage Trials, and sadly, the complaints have returned.

A few local residents have expressed their hopes Wheeling law enforcement will return to patrolling the trails with the bicycle patrols and even cruisers since the paved path is wide enough for the vehicles. Now, it’s understandable that Chief Shawn Schwertfeger and his officers are very busy fighting against narcotics trafficking and all of the crimes associated with the drug activity, but it’s also true that “protect and serve” is across-the-board duty.

In reality, there are pretty dangerous stretches along the Heritage Trails that run between East Wheeling and Elm Grove and north and south along the riverfront, and, as of right now, there are not monitored security cameras situated along the track. 

So, since public safety is one of the most important factors when it comes to retaining current citizens and recruiting new ones, maybe trail safety should be a more prominent issue when Wheeling voters decided on the city’s leadership come May 14th