Let’s not pretend this isn’t embarrassing no matter which of the four filtered candidates is best qualified to fill the open seat on the Ohio County Board of Education.
Because, well, it’s embarrassing, alright.
- It’s embarrassing because we barked about local control when members of the state Legislature were debating state oversight, and then we hand local control over to the state superintendent.
- It’s embarrassing because one member voted for one of the candidates without asking any of them anything about education-based issues.
- It’s embarrassing because another member asked a candidate if watching BOE meetings was just as entertaining as watching a daytime soap opera.
- And it’s embarrassing because alleged leaders in education have attempted to bully the new state superintendent with phone calls and online letters.

Such a fine face we’ve placed on Ohio County for all the state to see, now isn’t it? We can’t even get the boundaries for magisterial districts straight, for crying out loud.
So, now that the replacement process has been forwarded to state officials, all we can hope is the selected individual is centered on the good of Ohio County children and not on hidden agendas.
And once that is accomplished, perhaps the next two goals should be apologizing to the four candidates and then figuring out why Ohio County taxpayers are compensating these adults who have surrendered our collective right to choose our own representation instead of cooperating with each other so – ironically – together, we could achieve.