Guests: Scott Porter, James Guy

Scott Porter has served in a number of different positions in East Ohio and we’ll discuss several of the biggest issues facing those communities now and likely in the future. We’ll also talk about potential economic development in the Upper Ohio Valley and what infrastructure upgrades will be necessary if the petrochemical “cracker” plant is constructed in Dilles Bottom.

James Guy returns for, “From the Left and From the Right”- the only show segment dedicated to local, state, and national politics on “SNL.”

Our topics will include the new definition of “infrastructure,” the impact of unemployment-plus-bonus payments, the posturing of the Republican Party with the 2022 mid-terms in mind, and the future of race relations in the United States.

“Steve Novotney Lives!” – 3-5 p.m. M-W-F on Facebook Live (go to LEDE News Facebook page) and posted on PandoraSpotifyPodBeanYouTubeAmazon Music/AudibleiHeartRadioPlayerFMApple Podcast (iTunes), and ListenNotes.