In a presentation called “Soldiers Without Uniforms, Miss Ann and me,” Dr. Betty Kilby Fisher Baldwin will talk about her role in integrating Warren County High School, comparing and contrasting her journey and Miss Ann Thomas’s journey in implementing Brown vs. Board of Education, and how their journeys as teenagers impacted them as women moving and navigating in their careers.
Dr. Betty Kilby Fisher Baldwin fought to get an education. She sued the Warren County School Board implementing the Brown v. Board decision to get an education beyond the 7th grade. Today she has an associate’s degree in business management from Lord Fairfax Community College, bachelor’s degree in business administration from Shenandoah University, MBA from NOVA University and an Honorary Doctoral from Shenandoah University.
She is a speaker and Author of “Freedom Road”, Warren County’s History from 1836 to 1986 and “Wit, Will, and Walls”, her historical autobiography where she shares her journey of fighting for an education as well as her climb up the corporate ladder and she Co-Authored with Phoebe Kilby “Cousins” the story of their journey of confronting the past to a path of reconciliation. Betty is featured in several documentaries, “Wit, Will and Walls, the Betty Kilby Story “and “Knocking Down Walls.”. Both documentaries can be seen on YouTube. She is featured in a Netflix Documentary “Stories of a Generation with Pope Francis “Episode 2. She appeared on GMA3: “A look at the 70th Anniversary of Brown V. Board which can also viewed on YouTube.”