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OCPL Will Open In-Person with Appointment


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The Ohio County Public Library is pleased to announce that it will open its doors to patrons by appointment beginning Monday, September 21, 2020. In addition to the expansion of services, the Library will also be opened expanded hours. The new operating hours are Monday through Thursday, 10 – 6; Friday, 10 – 5; and Saturday, 10 – 3.

Appointments will be for forty-five minutes and will begin on the hour. Appointments may be made by calling the Library at 304-232-0244 or by using the Library’s “Ask a Librarian” button on OCPL’s website homepage. If a patron chooses not to use the entire hour, he or she may leave prior to the end of their allotted time. There will be a maximum of ten appointments per hour.

Appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis, and patrons may request one appointment at a time. One family per hour will be permitted to make an appointment with the family group counting as one patron. All patrons must wear a mask while in the Library and practice safe social distancing. Gloves will be provided if patrons wish to browse the collection.

Appointments must be made for a specific purpose. Those purposes include, but are not limited to:
– Browse the collection
– Use a public access computer
– View microfilm
– Use the Wheeling Room
– Make photocopies
– Use Reference Services
– Browse the Children’s Collection
– Notary Services

Three public access computers will be provided with social distancing between the computers. Staff work areas will be curtained off from the public. All in-person programs and meeting rooms will continue to be unavailable. The 16th Street entrance will continue to be closed.

All library materials must be returned through the Library’s book drop, located in the driveway off of Eoff Street.
For OCPL patrons who don’t wish to enter the Library for safety and health reasons, curbside service will continue during the new scheduled hours.

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