8th graders from Ohio County Schools have joined forces with other teens and scientists across the United States as part of “National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW). The week-long health observance, organized by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), both part of the National Institutes of Health, takes place March 21st-27th. NDAFW celebrates the inquisitive minds of teens by giving them a space (virtual or physical) to ask questions about drugs and alcohol and to get scientific answers from experts. As part of the NDAFW celebration, Ohio County Middle School students are creating a giant puzzle to display positive messages regarding alcohol, drugs, and mental health.

While drugs can put a teenager’s health and life in jeopardy, many teens are not aware of the risks. Even for those teens who do not abuse drugs, many have friends or family who do, and they are often looking for ways to help them.  

“We want teens to have the opportunity to learn what science has taught us about drug abuse, alcohol, and addiction,” said Community Impact Coalition Coordinator Marisa Scott. “There are so many myths about drugs and alcohol cluttering our popular culture. National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® is for teens to get honest answers about drugs so they can make good, informed decisions for themselves and share accurate information with friends,” added PFS Project Coordinator Colleen Dorsey.

As part of the NDAFW celebration, Ohio County Middle School students are creating a giant puzzle mural to display positive messages regarding alcohol, drugs, and mental health. Symbolizing how piece by piece we can make a change together. 

Ohio County residents can stay informed about drug and alcohol facts and events in Ohio County by following The Community Impact Coalition Facebook page.